

1st Agrifood Forum CEV. Committed to healthy eating

The CEV organizes the 1st CEV Food Forum "Committed to healthy eating", on 29 October at 9:00 am in the Auditorium CEV (Hernán Cortés 4, Valencia). This forum aims to raise awareness of the...

European Commission announces the Key Strategic Value Chains

The Commission unveiled preliminary recommendations of the expert group on Strategic Value Chains on 6 February 2019 in EU Industry Days. The High Level Industrial Roundtable discussed trends and...

RIS3 will be central in the dialogue with the Commission to establish the next Operational Programmes.

Commission presents preliminary views on priority investment areas and framework conditions for the period 2021-2027 On 28 February the Commission presented its six-monthly evaluation document on...

European Industry Days in Valencia: "Opportunities for innovation and digitisation of Valencian industry".

The European Commission will hold the third edition of the European Industry Days in Brussels at the beginning of February. In January, February and March, cities across Europe will host parallel...

La promoción de la salud a través de la actividad física y el deporte

El reto público en las sociedades urbanas en el siglo XXI El próximo 1 de febrero se celebrará en el Paraninfo de la Universitat Politècnica de València una jornada sobre la promoción de la salud...