RIS3 Comunitat Valenciana - RIS3CV
In the European conceptual framework of RIS3, the Generalitat (Valencian government) proposed to approach the strategic exercise of intelligent specialisation as an opportunity to reformulate its economic strategy based on knowledge as an essential element to resume the path of development.
Aligned with the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2020, in which it is integrated, the general objective for the RIS3 Agenda in the Comunitat Valenciana (RIS3-CV) is to constitute a regional strategic reference for the R+D+I policies that will drive structural changes, define incentives and determine the objectives and efforts that are necessary to have the capabilities in the field of research and innovation that contribute to our economic progress.
To this end, the Generalitat has counted on the collaboration of economic, social and knowledge agents, involving them in the elaboration of the strategic concept of RIS3-CV.
RIS3-CV consists of an analysis of the Valencian economic and social context culminating in the SWOT matrix for dealing with economic changes from a knowledge-based perspective.
On the basis of this analysis, the strategic framework is built into a vision, mission and values that express desirable and achievable options for the future, which are supported by our entire society.
This framework culminates in the definition of priorities for regional development based on research and innovation, which can be seen from multiple perspectives and levels, in order to serve as a reference.
This diagram shows the detail of RIS3-CV objectives that delimit the expected results and indicators defined for their monitoring.
The RIS3-CV implementation plan includes the measures initially proposed by the Generalitat combined in policies that will pursue the objectives of the strategic agenda. This proposal is based on a budgetary framework, and remains alive and evolving thanks to a monitoring and evaluation system that details the indicators linked to the different objectives that RIS3-CV sets itself.
Finally, governance processes have been established that involve all the agents linked to the Valencian innovation system in making decisions on the strategy.
With these premises, RIS3-CV was approved by the Valencian government, through its Delegate Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation, on December 26, 2016, and validated by the European Commission on February 27, 2017.