


Nuestros labs de innovación como ejemplo de buen funcionamiento del proceso de descubrimiento de oportunidades empresariales (EDP) para otras regiones europeas. Nuestra Smart Story en la web de...

The S3 Thematic Platforms Conference and Meetings will be held on the 27th and 28th of November in Bilbao.

This two-day event will bring together partners from the three Thematic Platforms (Agri-Food, Energy and Industrial Modernisation), representatives of the European Institutions working on the...

S3 Platform on Energy Interregional Parnerships

In November, the S3 Platform on Energy organises and participates in several events related to the progress of interregional partnerships of smart grids, sustainable buildings, solar and...

Smart specialisation in a time of transition

31 October, 2019. In the editorial of the last S3 Newsletter issue, Peter Berkowitz, Head of Unit for Smart and Sustainable Growth within the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of...