Actions to transform the valencian productive model - RIS3CV
Actions to transform the Valencian productive model
In order to be in line with RIS3-CV priorities, the regional government proposes an Implementation Plan with actions grouped into programmes and policies. These measures will be monitored and evaluated in terms of results, which will be used to reformulate and reposition the strategy on an ongoing basis.
The different actions fit into the following programmes and policies:
The policy of Quality of Life, which includes programmes to group the actions in:
- Mediterranean Quality Nutrition
- Smart Health and Active Living
- Smart Tourist Destinations
The policy of New Sustainable Industry, which includes the programmes:
- Customized Products and Habitats
- Advanced Manufacturing and New Industrial Systems
A transversal policy on Sustainable Management of the Environment, which will include actions to promote research related to energy, environmental, logistics and transport management technologies, etc.
Finally, an open policy of New OpportunitIes Incubation, with exploratory character in order to avoid the tunnel effect that previous policies could imply when it comes to detecting opportunities due to their necessary thematic or technological focus.
In the RIS3-CV priority matrix, these proposals for action fit together as follows: